「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
目前分類:◆2018年9月◆冰島自由行 (13)
- Aug 12 Mon 2019 15:51
- Aug 10 Sat 2019 09:50
【東遊】冰島|朝聖傳說中夢幻藍湖!Lava餐廳牛排超享受 冰島最後一夜追極光成功|冰島自由行DAY11
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Aug 08 Thu 2019 15:46
【東遊】冰島|紅頂教堂拍婚紗遇彩虹祝福! 環島尾聲之重返雷克雅維克看大教堂|冰島自由行DAY10
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Aug 02 Fri 2019 16:22
【東遊】冰島|朝聖冰島最美「熔岩瀑布」Hraunfossar! 一起到草帽山等極光|冰島自由行DAY9
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Jul 28 Sun 2019 09:37
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Jul 18 Thu 2019 12:22
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Jun 12 Wed 2019 11:16
【東遊】冰島|朝聖歐洲最壯觀「黛提瀑布」(Dettifoss) 馬蹄形峽谷健行4小時累慘慘|冰島自由行DAY6
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- May 19 Sun 2019 13:21
【東遊】冰島|蝙蝠山天空之鏡之維京人聚落超好拍 白日夢滑板路朝聖 彩虹小鎮悠閒漫步|冰島自由行DAY5
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Apr 30 Tue 2019 18:39
【東遊】冰島|挑戰4.5hr冰川健行累炸!朝聖傑古沙龍冰河湖Jökulsárlón 初嚐冰島小龍蝦Pakkhus Restaurant|冰島自由行DAY4
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Apr 15 Mon 2019 16:44
【東遊】冰島|全球最美沙灘之一「黑沙灘」 絕美住宿飯店找極光(水濂洞瀑布+史可加瀑布+羽毛峽谷)|冰島自由行DAY3
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Mar 31 Sun 2019 14:00
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Feb 24 Sun 2019 14:28
「開拓視野,看見世界,貼近彼此,感受生活,這就是生活的目的」(To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls to draw closer,to find each other and to feel.)-電影《白日夢冒險王》
- Dec 03 Mon 2018 14:44